Photo/Foto:Sergio Araujo
Our interviewed is
Carlos Antonio Akselrud de Gouveia.
Chemist engineer, former president of OrquidaRio and the editor of the magazine Orquidário.


Small professional profile:

CG - I am a chemist engineer,
my professional life has been almost
entirely dedicated to develop procedures
of refining petroleum in the Researches
Center of PETROBRAS.
As orchidist I was the Coordinator of Instruction,
Technical Director and President of OrquidaRio,
besides to be the Coordinator (with Roberto Agnes)
of the Judging of the XV World Orchid Conference.
Nowadays I am the editor of the Orquidário Magazine

- Why did you start to cultivate orchids? Which was the magic moment of the attraction?

CG - In fact, I always had an attraction to flowers and had two orchids in trees in my home (1 Cattleya intermedia e 1 Oncidium flexuosum).
I believed that I got involved in a show in Othon Hotel. In 1984 or 1985.

- How did it start?

CG - I started buying plants in a shop Floralia used to have in Cobal de Botafogo (local market). One day, I got Binot's address and I never stopped visiting nurseries and buying plants.

foto/photo: Gouveia
- How many plants do you have?

CG - An orchid lover never knows how many plants he has. At the present, I calculate at 900 plants in my collection.
The size of the collection is always in proportion of the space available, never regarding other less relevant factors such us good sense or costs...
foto/photo: Carlos Gouveia
- Which orchids do you have more?

CG - Nowadays, Vandaceous.
However I have many micro-orchids, uncommon species and hybrids of Broughtonia and Brassavola. If I could, I would also have Masdevallia, Dracula, Lycastes and Odontoglossum hybrids but my environment does not allow it.

- Why you did you choice this group of orchids?

CG - It is hard to say way. I started to be interested in Vandaceous because it was hard to get it in Brazil, when I found it, I bought. During the WOC in 1996, I bought a lot, it was the occasion to get plants of quality, since I became a studious about this subject. Concerning the other plants, I like original and different plants and I look for new tendencies.
- Where do you cultivate your orchids?

CG - In a small nursery, at home, in Penha, Rio de Janeiro.
The temperature, during the summer, reaches 40o C very easily.

- How many time do you spend taking care of orchids, daily?

CG - At least, 2 hours. If necessary, I can stay for 6 - 8 hours closed in the nursery.
I do not know but there, times goes by differently.

- Was there any inspiration or did someone inspire you to cultivate orchids?

CG - In fact no. The orchids were my inspiration. When I found the diversity of shapes, colors, sizes and habits existent, I became fascinated and do not stop to read, to buy and to admire. 
foto/photo: Gouveia

- What is your favorite plant between yours?

CG - My favorite plant? I love so many...
At this time, I fell very enthusiastic with hybrids involving Paraphalaenopsis, I have one Paraphal. Kimmy which is outstanding. I would say it is the favorite at this moment.
Foto/Photo: Carlos Gouveia
- One says that orchidophilia is the soft manifestation of madness, have you done any "orchidophilic" insanity?

CG - Many!!! Since buying more than recommended until travelling twice to Florida just to attend shows and visiting nurseries.
However the biggest is to put myself in judging orchids in shows. My mother, who has nothing to do with my choice, pays the piper. Whatever is the result of the judgment, the only consensus is, all judges are blinded, ignorant and ill-intentioned!

- Thank you, very much, Gouveia.

foto/photo: Carlos Gouveia

All the photos here presented are © Carlos Gouveia and cannot be reproduced without the author's authorization
