From 8th to 10th June, in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, we had the traditional orchid show, organized by OrquidaRio.
It was three sunny days with wonderful plants in a show that had a great popular participation. People, enjoying the fair weather, the weekend and the exuberance of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, made that show to be a great success.
Congratulations to OrquidaRIO and to Botanical Garden.


1. Aranda Orquídeas
2. Orquidário Binot
3. Orquidário Quinta do Lago
4. Minas Orchids
5. Chácara Bela Vista
6. Orquidário Traviú
7. Durigan
8. Círculo Rioclarense de Orquidófilos
9. Círculo Americanense de Orquidófilos
10. OrquidaRIO











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