Confirming what was said by Vitorino Paiva Castro Neto, in the interview in Orchid News # 12, about the Brazilian species still unknown, Marco Antonio Campacci, João Batista Fernandes Da Silva and Vitorino Paiva Castro Neto give to us the presentation of 2 news species (Acacallis rosariana V. P. Castro & J. B. Silva e Prosthechea carrii V. P. Castro & Campacci) and a natural hybrid (Oncidium X cassolanum V. P. Castro & Campacci). Acacallis rosariana V. P. Castro & J. B. Silva is unpublished, showed for the first time in this edition.
This privilege honors us.
Our gratitude to the researchers.
Click on the button bellow the image to see the flower and it description
Oncidium X cassolanum
Acacallis rosariana
Prosthechea carii
