Coletânea de Orquídeas Brasileiras I - Encyclia 12:15 - 2003

  Key words:
Encyclia marxiana, Brazil, Minas Gerais, Teófilo Otoni, Caraí, Mucuri river, new species, verrucose.

A new species of Encyclia (Orchidaceae) to the Brazilian flora is shown here. It was found at Teófilo Otoni surroundings, in the northern of Minas Gerais State.

Brazil, State of Minas Gerais, between the Caraí and Teófilo Otoni counties.


Eduardo Jorge Marx, s/no, 2001, October. It bloomed in cultivation in June of 2001 and 2002.

Named in honor of the discoverer of the species, Eduardo Jorge Marx, orchidist and researcher of Teófilo Otoni, in the north of Minas Gerais.

Blooming season:
From May to July in Brazil.

Thick woods surrounding Teófilo Otoni, from 500 to 800 m. altitude.


Herb epiphytic, abbreviate rhizome, glabrous white roots. Piriformisbifoliate pseudobulbs, from 3,0 to 3,5 cm long, by 1,5 cm diameter, at the beginning garnished with sheaths which dry out and disrupt themselves. Coriaceous green leaves, 15,0 cm long by 1,5 cm wide, oblongs and narrowing to the apex. Apical paniculate arched lax inflorescence, a little longer than 30,0 cm and showing many simultaneous flowers. Inconspicuous floral triangular sheaths with verrucose pedicel, small for the genus, with ochre sepals and petals, slightly purple spattered and yellow base. Dorsal sepal slightly lanceolate, 11,0 mm long by 3,0 mm wide; the lateral sepals are falcate, with 9,0 mm long by 3,0 mm wide. The petals are more or less spatulate, asymmetrical, with 10,0 mm long by 2,5 mm wide. The outside of the lip has the same color as the other segments and inside it is entirely yellow with many strong-purple veins, the margin is also purple. Trilobate, with 7,0 mm long by 8,0 mm wide, lateral lobes wrapping part of the column and forming something like a small tube around it; the medium lobe is retuse and bent towards down while the

  lateral lobes are falcate when flatted. At the base there is a callosity formed by two yellow keels with purple margin which move forward until the half length of the lip. Gibbous column, semi-cylindrical, with 5,0 mm long by 2,0 mm wide, white, purple maculate mainly at the anterior face, with small auricles near to the apex. Purple anther, with 1,3 mm long, 2 pairs of yellows pollinia. Seeds capsule heavy verrucose.

There are no similar flowers in Brazil. The peculiarity is to have the lateral lobs of the lip very wide and long in proportion to the medium one and do not present an isthmus of liaison with it, forming a continuos surface when flatted. The lip also forms, due to its proportions, a kind of tube around the column which does not occur with other species. The pedicel which sustains the flowers is intensely verrucose, as well the capsules of seeds.

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