Going on with the tradition, another orchid show happened - Orchids in the Garden- organized by OrquidaRIO, Rio de Janeiro Orchids Society and taking place in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro.

The opening of show had the presence of Lizst Vieira, Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ) president, Antônio Bernardo, the sponsor of the greenhouse and a representative from Porto Seguro, the society which backed the repair of the greenhouse roof.

Marta Moraes (responsible by the nurseries of JBRJ, Maria do Rosário de
Almeira Braga, OrquidaRIO, president and Lizst Vieira JBRJ, President
Lizst, the supervisor of Porto Seguro and Antônio Bernardo

The show counted with 12 commercial nurseries, from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, between them, Aranda, Binot, Biorchids, Eco Orquídeas, Itaipava Garden, Itaorquis, Minas Orchids, Paulista Orchids, Primavera Orchids , Traviú, Bela Vista Orchids.
400 plants are exposed and, besides the commercial nurseries, OrquidaRio and Associação Jundiaiense de Orquidófilos also have also participate in the show.
The programming included 4 courses about cultivation and a work shop in botanical illustration ministered by the artist and master Dulce do Nascimento and 3 lectures.

Maria do Rosário, OrquidaRIO president, visits the illustration workshop
Dulce teaching an artist

Another point of the show was the presentation of the CORES project - Conservation of the Orchids threatened of extinction.
This project aims to do the survey of biological information about nine orchid which are endangered of extinction in the nature in Brazil. The purpose is also to reevaluate the conservation status of those species and to propose an action plan to each one. This project will be contributing to the preservation of the Atlantic Forest remains and all bio diversity in the four states which are included in the area proposed (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro). The Cores project will only works with the species list by the Ibama (Laelia lobata, L. virens, L. fidelensis and L. perrini but also Cattleya schilleriana, L. tenebrosa, L. xanthina, L. jongheana and L. grandis).
More information about this project will be presented in a future edition of Orchid News.

The lecture gathered a good number of participants. D
avid Miller talked about the orchids in Serra dos Órgãos,

and Kleber Lacerda talked about the genus Hoffmannseggella (former rupicolous Laelia)

and Cássio N. Medeiros, Associação Jundiaiense de Orquidófilo president talked about "Orchids philosophy".
The visitors are all ages and envoy the flower beauty in their own away.

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