Trying to distinguish one flower from another, criteria have been defined that try to reflect the common taste for flowers of each species. The flowers of the genus Cattleya have not, in nature, rounded shapes and the first selections were made by the form and the color of the flower. Through crosses between plants having flowers with almost perfect shape, new plants with quite round flowers were obtained and, consequently, we started to compare native specimens with them. As a result, the selection has changed its object and then the flowers without rounded lost its value, despite their showy colorful and sometimes even rare. One of the current challenges is just getting flowers with excellent shape and at the same time preserving the old clones.
This judgment is proposed in accordance with the AOS (American Orchid Society) rules where the flower is theoretically compared with an ideal pattern of each species. This pattern is improved each judgment, because the chosen flowers is measured and photographed and become part of the collection of data available to judges. Thus, with a score table for each genre (ex Cattleya), from your knowledge, your own experience and history of the awards, judges can consider and give notes to the plants. The more information and knowledge about the species are available, the better the judgment will be. As time passes and with an an increase of the number of plants submitted to judgment, the standard will be improved. Judges should be trained with standard methods and, preferably, should be knowledgeable about species at judgment. Judges with a smattering of some species, tend to overvalue the plants analyzed. Therefore, we see so common Brazilian species be awarded abroad, despite the AOS require many years of training to form a judge.

Cattleya intermedia with excellent shape

As a rule for starting an analysis, we suggest you compare the analyzed flower with a standard flower of C. intermedia. This should receive 50% of possible points or 50 points. So you can add or subtract points starting from its benchmark.

C. intermedia standard

The scoring table of OAS for Cattleyas, we propose to use, provides a maximum of 100 points for the flower, divided into three parts:

AOS scoring

Shape of the flower
General shape

Color of the flower
Sepals and petals

Another caracteristcs
Size of the flower
Substance and texture

Analysis restricted to the shape of the flower - the ideal model framework

  • the harmony of the flower as a whole, it means, if the floral segments are proportional, falling into an imaginary circle forming a seamless whole, without any segment standing out;
  • if the flower is full, it means without gaps or "windows" between the segments;
  • if the petals are almost in the same plane as the sepals, it means, if the flower has a good structure;
  • if the sepals have an ideal spacing forming a triangle with three equal sides;
  • if the petals and lip have an ideal spacing forming an inverted triangle with three equal sides;
  • if the sepals are wide, flat and with rounded tips;
  • if the petals are wide, flat and with rounded tips;;
  • if the lip is tubular with wide, flat frontal lobe and proportional to the petals.

Analysis restricted to the color of the flower - keeping in mind if it is typical for the analyzed variety.

  • if the color corresponds to the general ideal for that variety, leaving no doubt about it. The overall color should be firm and characteristic of the variety;
  • if the sepals and petals have a well defined and saturated color, noting the peculiarities of each variety;
  • if the lip has the typical color for the variety with more intense color. The color should be saturated except in the case of varieties with soft colors.

Analysis restricted to the, substância, textura e haste floral

  • If the flower has adequate size for the species, receiving more points for sizes larger than normal (suggestion: 8cm size = 4 points, adding by 2 points per cm);
  • If the flower has adequate substance (*);
  • if the flower has a texture typical (**);
  • if the flower stem is enough erect and long for a good presentation, without heaped flowers;
  • if the number of flowers is typical of the species. C. intermedia blooms easily with 3 or 4 flowers, and in some clones up to nine flowers per inflorescence (suggestion: well presented 3 flowers = 6 points,adding2 points per flower).
(*) Substance
is the thickness of the floral segments. It is one of the most important characteristics of the flower, because it gives the structure. Flowers without substance present fallen floral segments and should not be judged. The substance can be, among others: soft or thin, average or good, firm, hard, heavy or exceptional. C. intermedia pattern has good substance, having solid floral segments.
(**) Texture is the visual interpretation of the surface features of floral segments and, among others, can be: dull, velvety, silky, brillant, sparkling, crystal clear, velvety or waxy.) The best clones have a waxy texture (they seem to be made wax)

Adding up the points we can check whether the plant is likely to be awarded or not:

Sum of points
From 0 to 74 points
From 75 to 79 pont os
Bronze medal
From 80 to 89 pont os
Silver medal
From 90 to 100 pont os
Gold medal

Guide for the judgment
At least, three judges and one secretary Society or federation
Choose the plants for judgment Judges
Define the variety of each plant Judges
Search in the archives of the FCO on CD-ROM, awarded plants of the same variety Secretary
Select the best flower of each plant, analyze and measure Judges
Take note of the results Secretary
To compare, with other prized plants in the same variety, using the files on CD-ROM Judges
To rate each question with a comment using standard spreadsheet Judges
Take the average of the notes and see if the plant achieved awards Secretary
If so shoot the flower in the front and profile positions Judges
Register all data recorded and fill the certificate awards Secretary

C. intermedia var. punctata 'Deschamps'

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