Hoehne made several botanical excursions in Brazil from 1895 to 1946 and between April 12 and May 5, 1926, he visited the state of Rio de Janeiro. This trip is mentioned in the book "Álbum de Orchidaceas Brasileiras” (October 1930) which is a libel against the devastation of natural resources. In this book, Hoehne showed his great concern about the destruction of forests. The captions of the photographs show this feeling especially when he shows the destruction of the forest between Jussaral and Angra dos Reis (RJ) for the construction of railroads (see photo in the article "Hoehne, a pioneer of nature conservation in Brazil"). He writes: “Primary Forest between Jussural and Angra dos Reis, State of Rio de Janeiro, that we visited in 1926. Here one can see how the railroads, since they are built,contribute to destroy the forests they cross. A camp where we stayed for 8 days studying the flora and the conditions where the Orchidaceas thrive in our country.” He also speaks about the wealth of orchids in a wetland forest that spread until the back of the bay of Angra dos Reis, where grow
Cattleyas, Laelias, Oncidiums, Maxillarias, Ridriguesias, Miltonias, Octomerias, Pleurothallis. He also mentions the back of Guanabara Bay, Serra da Estrela, Serra dos Órgãos, as well as Corcovado, Bico do Papagaio, Pedra Bonita, Gávea, Tijuca, Pão de Açúcar. .

Octomeria estrellensis Hoehne - an endemic species to the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The report of the excursion to Rio de Janeiro was published in the fascicule 1 of “Observações gerais e contribuições para o estudo da flora fitofisionomia do Brasil” (General comments and contributions to the study of flora vegetation type in Brazil), under the title "Uma excursão botânica ao norte de São Paulo e regiões limítrofes dos Estados de Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro” (A botanical excursion to the north of Sao Paulo and neighboring regions of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro). He also includes it in the proposed mental tour in the “Iconografia das Orchidaceas do Brasil” (“Uma excursão mental pelo Pais – Onde e em que condições vegetam as orchidaceas brasileiras” - "A mental tour by Country - Where and under what conditions vegetate Orchidaceas the Brazilian"), when he mentions the wealth of some regions such as Cabo Frio: “Penetrating through the Rio de Janeiro coast, there is in Cabo Frio, an excellent region for Orchidaceas, allowed by the proximity to the ocean. There are abundantly Cattleya leopoldii, C. guttata and C. forbesii and other very ornamental species".

Habenaria magdalenensis Hoehne
Species described from a plant found in Santa Madalena, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

or Rio de Janeiro city:
"... In Tijuca, where the peaks of Papagaio, Tijuca and Archer stand out dominating the regions, where there many dendritic and terrestrial orchidaceas. Even in the banks of the roads, we come across with species of Habenaria, Cleistes, Stenorrhynchus and Prescottia, in the humus of the dense woods, there Centrogenium, Cyclopogon, Sauroglossum, Physurus, Corymborchis, Prescottia plantaginea, Houlletia Brocklehurstiana, Zygopetalum Mackayi, Z. crinitum, Z Mosenii."

Habenaria fluminensis Hoehne
Hoehne described about 22 species of Habenaria.

Habenaria fluminensis, described from a plant found in the state of Rio de Janeiro, also occurs in the states of Bahia, Espírito, Minas Gerais and São Paulo.

He talks about the rocks of Tijuca, Serra da Estrela (Petrópolis), the littoral zone in Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis (where he shoot a picture of a specimen of Laelia crispa with 86 flowers opened at the same time). He still mentions Ilha Grande (Island) telling that it provide excelent opportunities to study the dendritic. He adds that in the woods subjected to the variation of variação of tide, there are C. guttata, leopoldii, forbesii besides Laelia crispa.

This mental excursion was based on "facts and observations made during our exursions and trips taken since 1895 to 1946, always spaced and intercalated with long works in laboratories" (Hoehne).

Among the species he described about 50 occur also in the state of Rio de Janeiro and some of them are endemic, it means, occurring only within its boundaries, such as Octomeria estrellensis, Maxillaria spannagelii Hoehne, Pleurothallis conspersa, Pleurothallis pubipetala, Pleurothallis rubro-limabata, Pleurothallis spannageliana, Pleurothallis spathuliglossa. He brought the light of science a large number of orchid species from different genera which demonstrates his vast knowledge of the orchid family. The descriptions are very complete and among these species, over 130 are still considered valid and some are nowadays regarded as synonymous.

In his honor, besides the genus Hoehneella Ruschi (see the illustration in the article "Hoehne, a pioneer of nature conservation in Brazil"
), many species have been described and among them, Mormodes hoehnei Miranda & Lacerda, Polystachya hoehneana Kraenzl. Prosthechea hoehnei (A.D. Hawkes) W.E. Higgins and Stelis hoehnei Schltr.

Maxillaria spannagelii Hoehne - only found in the Serra dos Órgãos (mountain), in Petrópolis, state of Rio de Janeiro

Cyclopogon elegans Hoehne
Campylocentrum crassirhizum Hoehne
Campylocentrum pauloense Hoehne & Schltr.
Campylocentrum spannagelii Hoehne

List of the species described by Hoehne and the area of occurrence

Acacallis hoehnei (Hoehne) Schltr. – AM, MT, RO
Cyclopogon elegans (Hoehne) Garay - ES, PE, RJ, SP
Cyclopogon oligantha (Hoehne) Garay - SP
Brachionidium restrepioides (Hoehne) Pabst - RJ, SP
Bulbophyllum ipanemensis Hoehne - BA, MG
Bulbophyllum luederwaldtii Hoehne & Schltr. - PR, RJ, SC, SP
Campylocentrum crassirhizum Hoehne - ES, PE, RJ
Campylocentrum pauloense Hoehne & Schltr. - ES, PE, RS, SC, SP
Campylocentrum pernambucense Hoehne - PE
Campylocentrum spannagelii Hoehne - AL, ES, GO, MG, RJ
Capanemia gehrtii Hoehne - ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP
Catasetum cirrhaeoides Hoehne - MT, RO
Catasetum juruenense Hoehne - MT
Catasetum rooseveltianum Hoehne – GO, MS, MT
Catasetum spitzii Hoehne - DF, GO, TO
Catasetum vinaceum Hoehne – GO, MS , MT
Cirrhaea longiracemosa Hoehne - BA, ES, PR, RJ, SC
Cleistes castanoides Hoehne - DF, GO, MG, PR, SP
Cleistes catharinensis (Cogn.) Hoehne - SC
Cleistes gert-hatschbachiana Hoehne- PR
Cleistes latiglossa Hoehne - MT
Cleistes silveirana Hoehne & Schltr. - RJ, SP
Cranichis glabricaulis Hoehne - DF, MT
Cyrtopodium lissochiloides Hoehne & Schltr. - GO, MG, SP
Cyrtopodium paludicolum Hoehne - DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, SP
Galeandra xerophila Hoehne – MT
Habenaria aricaensis Hoehne – MT, RO, TO
Habenaria brachyplectron Hoehne & Schltr. - SP
Habenaria coxipoensis Hoehne - DF, MT , SP, TO
Habenaria depressifolia Hoehne - AP, DF, GO , PA
Habenaria ulei Hoehne - RJ, SP (42 e 94)
Habenaria fastor Warm. non Warm ex. Hoehne AM, BA, DF, ES, MG, MT, PI, SP
Habenaria fluminensis Hoehne – BA, ES, MG, RJ, SP
Habenaria galeandriformis Hoehne - SP
Habenaria habenarioides (Hoehne) R. E. Nogueira & R. J. V. Alves - PR
Habenaria juruenensis Hoehne - DF, GO, MG MT, TO
Habenaria lavrensis Hoehne – DF, GO, MG, (115)
Habenaria longipedicellata Hoehne – AM, AP, DF, GO, MG, MS, PA, TO
Habenaria macronectar (Vell.) Hoehne - ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP
Habenaria magdalenensis Hoehne - RJ
Habenaria megapotamensis Hoehne – PR, RS
Habenaria novaesii Edw. & Hoehne - SP
Habenaria nuda Lindl var. pygmaea Hoehne – DF
Habenaria orchiocalcar Hoehne - DF, GO, MS, MT, PA, TO
Habenaria piraquarensis Hoehne – PR
Habenaria pleiophylla Hoehne & Schl. - PR, RS, SC, SP
Habenaria polycarpa Hoehne - MS, MT
Habenaria trifida H.B. K f. curti-bradei (Hoehne) Batista & Biancheti - DF, GO, MG, SP
Laelia gloedeniana Hoehne - ES
Laelia mixta Hoehne - ES
Lankesterella spannageliana (Hoehne ex Brade) Mansf.
Leptotes pauloensis Hoehne - ES, RJ, SP
Ligeophila juruensis (Hoehne) Garay - AM, AP, DF, MG, MS, MT, PA, RO, RR, SC, SP
Maxillaria cogniauxiana Hoehne - ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP
Maxillaria paulistana Hoehne - PR, SP
Maxillaria piresiana Hoehne - ES, MG, RJ, SP
Maxillaria spannagelii Hoehne - RJ
Maxillaria ubatubana Hoehne - ES, RJ, SP
Mormodes vinacea Hoehne – MT, RO
Notylia longispicata Hoehne & Schltr. - PE, SP
Notylia tapirapoanensis Hoehne - MT
Octomeria albiflora Hoehne & Schltr. - SP
Octomeria caldensis Hoehne - MG, SP
Octomeria estrellensis Hoehne - RJ
Octomeria gehrtii Hoehne & Schltr. - PR, SC, SP
Octomeria octomeriantha (Hoehne) Pabst - PR, SC, SP
Octomeria rechiana Hoehne - RJ, SP
Octomeria rotundiglossa Hoehne - PR, SC, SP
Octomeria serrana Hoehne - PR, RJ, SC, SP
Octomeria spannagelii Hoehne - ES, RJ
Octomeria wilsoniana Hoehne - RJ, SP
Oncidium fuscopetalum (Hoehne) Garay - DF, GO, MA, MS, MT,
Oncidium paranapiacabense Hoehne – SP
Palmorchis duckei Hoehne - AM
Phymatidium mello-barretoi Hoehne & Williams - MG, RJ, SP
Pinelia paulensis Hoehne & Schltr. - SP
Platythelys schlechteriana (Hoehne) Garay - PR, RJ, SC, SP
Plectrophora calcarhamata Hoehne - GO, MT, PA
Pleurothallis aveniformis Hoehne - PR, RS
Pleurothallis brachyloba Hoehne - SP
Pleurothallis butantanensis Hoehne & Schltr. PR, RS, SC, SP
Pleurothallis caldensis Hoehne & Schltr. - MG, PR
Pleurothallis duartei Hoehne – SP
Pleurothallis fernandiana Hoehne - SC, SP
Pleurothallis gehrtii Hoehne & Schltr. - RJ, SP
Pleurothallis guarujaensis Hoehne - SP
Pleurothallis heliconoscapa Hoehne – SP
Pleurothallis helmutti Hoehne - MG, SP
Pleurothallis heringeri Hoehne - MG, RJ
Pleurothallis jordanensis Hoehne - SP
Pleurothallis mattinhensis Hoehne - PR, RJ, RS, SC
Pleurothallis miniato-lineolata Hoehne - RJ, SP
Pleurothallis montipelladensis Hoehne - BA, MG, MT (?), RJ, SP
Pleurothallis mouraeoides Hoehne - PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP
Pleurothallis myrmecophila Hoehne - MT
Pleurothallis per-dusenii Hoehne - PR
Pleurothallis peroupavae Hoehne & Brade - SP
Pleurothallis petropolitana Hoehne - ES, RJ
Pleurothallis piraquarensis Hoehne - PR, RJ
Pleurothallis piratiningana Hoehne - PR, SP
Pleurothallis podoglossa Hoehne - PR, SP
Pleurothallis pubipetala Hoehne - RJ
Pleurothallis puttemansi Hoehne - SP
Pleurothallis rubro-limabata Hoehne - RJ
Pleurothallis rubro-lineata Hoehne - ES, RJ, SC, SP
Pleurothallis ruschii Hoehne - ES
Pleurothallis spannageliana Hoehne - RJ
Pleurothallis spathuliglossa Hoehne - RJ
Pleurothallis sphaeroglossa Hoehne - MG, PE, PR, RJ, SC
Pleurothallis suzanensis Hoehne - SP
Pleurothallis violaceo-maculata Hoehne - PR
Polystachya tricuspidata Hoehne
Prosthechea allemanoides (Hoehne) W.E. Higgins - ES, MG, SP
Prosthechea pregnelliana (Hoehne & Schltr.) W.E. Higgins - MG
Prosthechea suzanensis (Hoehne) W.E. Higgins - MG, SP
Rodrigueziella doeringii (Hoehne) Pabst - RJ, SP
Rodrigueziella gomesioides (Barb. Rodr.) Pabst - ES, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP
Rodrigueziella handroi (Hoehne) Pabst - ES, RJ, SC, SP
Scuticaria strictifolia Hoehne - RJ, SP
Sobralia augusta Hoehne - MT, PA, PE
Sobralia cataractarum Hoehne - MT
Sobralia rondoni Hoehne - MT
Stelis pauloensis Hoehne & Schltr. - BA, PR, SC, SP
Vanilla bahiana Hoehne - AL, BA, - DF ES, PA, PB, PE, RN, RJ
Vanilla cristagalli Hoehne - AM
Vanilla cristato-callosa Hoehne - AM
Vanilla dubia Hoehne - MG
Vanilla ribeiroi Hoehne - MT
Vanilla schwackeana Hoehne - MG, PE
Vanilla trigonocarpa Hoehne - AL, AM, PA

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