See here the exclusives interviews we done with some of the lecturers in Dijon.

Abishkar Subedi - Himalayan Orchids for Livelihoods of Rural Communities
Chen Chang - Flowering of Cymbidium ensifolium var. misericors in vitro
Daniel Prat - The French Orchids
Ed de Vogel / André Schuiteman - Orchids of Southeast Asia on CD-ROM
Eric Hagsater - The Genus Epidendrum
Günter Gerlach - Pollination and fragrances in the tribe Maxillarieae
Harold Koopowitz - CITES, its Evolution and the History of Attitudes Towards It
Harry Zelenko - Genus Caucaea (former Oncidium section cucullata)
Holger Perner - Cypripedium in China
Irina Tatarenko - Orchids From Russia
J. Claessens & J. Kleynen - The form and the function gynostemium of the European Orchids
Jean-Michel Hervouet - Interview
Jyostna Devi - Orchids from India

Kanchit Thammasiri
- Thai Orchid Production For The World Markets
Mark Whitten - Evolutionary Relationships within Tribe Maxillarieae
Moises Behar - The genus Lepanthes in Guatemala
Munekazu Ejiri - Cattleya hybrids from Far East

Phillip Cribb - The CITES and the Orchid Community
Phillip Cribb - Discovery of Orchids species
Rik Neirynck - The Judgment
Robert Fuchs - The 19th WOC
Robert Hamilton - Odontoglossum hybrids
Rodolfo Solano - Classification of Pleurothallidinae
Roland Schettler - The genus Bulbophyllum

Rudolf Jenny - Bibliorchidea
Sara Giladi - Orchids of Israel
Schatz Bertrand - The Evolutionary Dynamics of Plant-Insects Interactions
Thierry Pailler - Island de la Réunion orchids
Tim Wing Yam -
Singapore and the Botanic Gardens
Vitorino Paiva Castro - Baptistonia and the Biome Atlantic Forest

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